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Re: celtic dream

Verfasst: Sa 13. Apr 2019, 15:30
von Joyce&Luna

Download Celtic Dreams again. I had a mistake in there once. Maybe this is then gone.
Otherwise, get in touch again.

Télécharger à nouveau Celtic Dreams. J'ai eu une erreur dans une fois. Peut-être que c'est alors parti.
Sinon, contactez-nous à nouveau.

Re: celtic dream

Verfasst: Sa 13. Apr 2019, 23:49
von Joyce&Luna
Please test this version.
If the problem persists, give me your link to the forum.

Always remember to empty the cache in the ACP and browser
Celtic Dreams
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Re: celtic dream

Verfasst: Fr 26. Apr 2019, 23:04
von Joyce&Luna

I can not help you with a picture. What you show me is not Celtic Dreams.
I do not know what you want to do exactly.