Die Suche ergab 12 Treffer

von Hartenheer
Sa 2. Jun 2018, 08:54
Forum  Support zu den Style phphBB 3.2
Thema  Collor X-Creamy
Antworten  5
Zugriffe  13115

Re: Collor X-Creamy

Unfortunately, I do not have the knowledge for that.

Thanks for your response.
von Hartenheer
Fr 1. Jun 2018, 16:35
Forum  Support zu den Style phphBB 3.2
Thema  Collor X-Creamy
Antworten  5
Zugriffe  13115

Collor X-Creamy

X-Creamy is the most beautiful style that I see in 3.2. The colors get a 3D effect. But have a problem with the color, this can get difficult with my extensions. And I have a lot of extensions, because I made an auction of the forum Now my question: :mrgreen: Is it possible to obtain this style in b...